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Short Scoots

Short Scoots

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Last Work Completed

Monday, 13 August 2007

Client Since

Friday, 19 November 2004

Description of Work

Fingers, of WBAB Radio fame, had us build this website around his love of motorcycles. Look for the launch of his new TV show!


  • Technology Used:

    Joomla! 1.0, Flash, Events Calendar, Forms, Community Membership Login, Forum, Music Player, Chat, Weather Forecast, Traffic, Maps, Videos and more.

  • Client Testimonial:

    Look, there are a million companies offering to make your website, and they will. Cooch and the staff of WebVantage did way more than I expected. I think their biggest asset is they listened to my needs and desires. By doing so they not only captured my vision but educated me on what would and what wouldn’t benefit me, and I can grow and expand the site at my pace. All with expertise and caring of a company you want to work with and at the right price. Whether for a business or a hobby site I would recommend WebVantage to anyone looking to build a future on the internet.

    Fingers -President
