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Making Music Matter for Kids

Making Music Matter for Kids

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Last Work Completed

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Client Since

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Description of Work

Teaching good habits to children that will carry over into their lives their work and expose young people to new opportunities for success based on passion not income. Providing our community with a first-class state of the art venue, benefiting from a 501c3 low cost facility organization. Providing free and low cost music programs to the disadvantaged, at risk youth and to qualified low income families.

M.M.M.F.K PERFORMING ART CENTER (P.A.C) will secure a permanent place for educational opportunities and events for our students and provide an ongoing funded education, designed to graduate level courses, with part and full time opportunities.

Catering to touring and local professionals as well as student hobbyist musicians. Offering charitable and socially beneficial service to young inspired musicians and our community.

M.M.M.F.K provides all young inspired musicians an opportunity to learn, perform and grow through the art of music.


  • Technology Used:

    We designed the logo for MMMFK as well as built their Joomla Content Managment website. The website includes Photo Galleries, eCommerce Donation Software, Events Calendar, a Business Directory and Contact Forms with CAPTCHA

  • Client Testimonial:

    "WebVantage does it right \m/"

    Lance Miley - President
